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Economy of Verona report: all the numbers of 2019

Again this year, the Chamber of Commerce of Verona has published the report “Economia veronese – Edizione 2019” (Economy of Verona – 2019 edition). This document shows the main trends about enterprises’ demographics, employment, opening to international markets, tourism and wealth locally produced. The report was closed on 13th June 2019 and underlines the productivity of our province, pointing out the leading sectors and the ones that represent the Made in Verona all over the world.

On 31th December 2018, Verona counts 96,514 registered companies. For this reason, Verona is ranked 12th among the Italian provinces, and it’s 10th for number of enterprises in activity (amounting to 86,062). The 2019 balance regarding the companies’ demographics is positive, the best one since 2011. Indeed, it turns out +409 once considered the registrations and the removals. On 31th December 2018, registered  agricultural enterprises into the Chamber of Commerce of Verona are 15,608, proving that agriculture is a leading sector for our territory. The other sectors’ companies amount to:

  • 9,593 in manufacturing;
  • 14,231 in constructions;
  • 20,237 in wholesale and retail;
  • 7,096 in accommodation and food services;
  • 3,265 in transports;
  • 25,150 in craft firms.

Concerning employment in Verona, Istat’s data register:

  • a 10.5% for permanent contracts.;
  • a 66.9% for fixed-term contracts;
  • a 18.4% for leasing contracts;
  • a 4.3% for apprenticeships.

In 2018, the export total amount of Verona is € 11.4 billion. Machinery is the 1st sector, amounting to € 2.4 billion (+5,8% compared to 2017), and is followed by:

  • food products, counting € 1.5 billion;
  • textile-clothing, exceeding € 1 billion;
  • beverage (mainly wine), with € 984.4 million;
  • agricultural products, with € 536.5 million;
  • footwear sector, with € 377.3 million.

Once again, the main countries towards which Verona exports are Germany, France, UK, US and Spain. Then, there are Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Belgium and China. For further information, download the report here


Chamber of Commerce of Verona

Credit by www.vr.camcom.it

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